Flexible, Strategic, Values-Aligned Capital

Who We Are

Alpine Ridge Partners (“ARP”) is an investment arm of Ridge Group Investments (“RGI”), a single-family office. We are focused on making investments in lower middle market businesses, with a goal of creating more than financial wealth for all our stakeholders (4D Wealth).

Ultimately, we believe that investing in values driven leaders, who are doing positive things, in an innovative way, will result in financial outperformance.

ARP is led by Dan Farris (LinkedIn) and backed by RGI. Dan has led and invested in companies across multiple industries in his career, developing a broad expertise in creating value. Together with RGI, we have directly invested in 100+ companies, more than 60 are active.

4D Wealth

Creating more than financial wealth

Relational Wealth (Trust)

Prioritizing a relationship over a transaction

Social Wealth (Impact)

Business can be a vehicle for good

Intellectual Wealth (Creativity)

Bring something new to the world

Financial Wealth (Money)

Have a solid business and make it grow

What We Do

We grow businesses as either majority owners, or minority investors, with partners who share our values that business should create more than financial gains for investors. We don’t operate businesses, we partner with industry experts who need help optimizing capital structures, developing longer term strategies and utilizing outside resources to maximize what they are already doing.

How We’re Different

We believe in lasting relationships that create 4D Wealth for everyone involved. We care about owner legacies, developing talent and having a purpose in what we do.


We don’t have outside investors or funds that need to be returned in 3-7 years. We aren’t focused on extreme efficiencies to boost short-term financial gains, creating long-term problems. We don’t do financial engineering, maximize leverage, push synergies, exploit fragmentation, or scale at all costs. While all these PE pillars are great ways to make money for investors, we stick with solid fundamentals, deep relationships and a drive to constantly improve.

What We Look For

  • Values Driven Leaders

  • Positive Impacts

  • Innovation

  • Solid Business Models

    • Majority Acquisition

    • Minority Growth

    • Management Buyout

    • Commercial Real Estate Services (50%+ Revenues from Recurring Services / Maintenance)

    • Distribution

    • Franchising (Service, Fitness, Food)

    • Southern California (Primary)

    • Southwestern US

    • 5+ Years in Business

    • Cash Flow Positive

    • $1 - $3 Million


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